RANDALL KURTH, board member

Randall has been in the electrical mechanical field for over 30 years. He received his experience by serving ten years in the United States Air Force as a electrical power production journeyman technician and instructor. He received his AAS degree in electrical /mechanical technologies through the Community College of the Air Force. Randall also attended Clover Park Technical College, he received his certification In electronics and advanced electrical applications. Randall is a Gulf war and Desert Shield/ Desert storm veteran. He works with large variety of equipment. -AFP 70 Certified -Static uninterruptible power systems -Rotary uninterruptible power systems - Primary power production plants and related switchgear - Standby power systems -Automatic transfer switches -Switchgear installations, applications and maintenance (Siemens, Square D and General Electric) - Asynchronous operations and installations -Frequency drives -PLC applications -High speed packaging equipment and related automated turn key installations -Post installation training and support -electrical panel building and installation - Automated conveyors - Robotics -Automatic storage and retrieval systems (ASRS)